
Home treatment for paved milk

Home treatment for paved milk

A good home treatment for paved milk is put the baby to nurse every two to three hours, even if it means waking to remove the milk being produced in greater quantities and make them less hard, full and heavy breasts .
The paved milk, known as breast engorgement, occurs when there is an incomplete emptying of the breasts.So, with feedings every 2 to 3 hours is possible to increase milk intake by the baby and complete emptying of the breasts.
Another home treatment for paved milk consists of:

Massage the breasts
Apparatus for removing milk

1. Put warm compresses on the breasts

Warm compresses help dilate the mammary glands, which are swollen to facilitate the removal of milk being produced in excess. Already exist in thermal discs pharmacies like the Nuk or Philips Avent that help stimulate the flow of milk before breastfeeding.

2. Make circular massages in between the pads

When the compress start to cool, and remove before placing a new compress, make circular massage, vertically and toward the nipple to facilitate milk flow.

3. Remove excess milk

Use of milk pumps or hands to remove excess milk after feedings. However, one should not express milk at every feeding, because there may be a greater milk production.
If the baby has trouble catching the nipple due to swelling and hardening of the breasts can also remove some milk before to facilitate proper latch and avoid hurting your nipples.Here's how to manually remove the milk: How massaging the lumpy breasts .

4. Apply cold compresses after the baby finish suckling

After the baby suckle and remove the excess milk, apply cold compresses to the breasts to decrease inflammation and swelling.
With continued breastfeeding, breast engorgement usually goes away naturally.

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