
Home Remedy for Acne

Home Remedy for Acne

A great home remedy for acne, commonly called pimples, is to clean the skin and apply astringent substances and moisturizers, which can be found at home.
However, adequate diet also helps fight pimples and so it is advised to avoid fried foods, fats and opt for natural ingredients, adopting healthy eating. Learn more at:  Foods to reduce pimples .

Home remedy for acne with white beans

A great remedy for acne is to use daily skin a mixture prepared with white beans and yogurt, which helps regenerate the skin while maintaining its integrity.
  • Vinegar
  • 50g of white beans
  • 1 yoghurt pot
Let the white beans in a container covered with vinegar until the release of the cone beans. Then hit the white bean blender with yogurt and keep this mixture in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.
Apply daily only on the pimples leaving acting for five minutes, until the spine disappears.

Acne against carrot juice

To complement this home treatment, it is advised to take a detoxifying juice, to purify the blood, facilitating the fight against pimples.
  • 1 large carrot
  • juice of 2 oranges
  • 1/2 medium cucumber (with pods)
Beat the ingredients in a blender and make follow daily in the morning for 10 days.
Acne are small skin eruptions, resulting from the elimination of toxins and fat from the blood, or on the basis of typical hormonal imbalances of adolescence, manifested mainly in the face and back.

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