
Home Remedy for hypertension

Home Remedy for hypertension

An excellent home remedy for high blood pressure is the orange juice with aloe vera as it is rich in minerals and properties that help lower blood pressure, while avoiding injury in the artery walls.
Also, another good home remedy for high blood pressure is the Siberian Motherwort tea that helps lower high blood pressure in cases of stress or anxiety.
But beyond these home remedies for hypertension, patients should make a diet low in salt and practice regular exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Home Remedy for hypertension with orange and aloe

The home remedy for hypertension with orange and aloe vera is great for avoiding high pressure peaks, as aloe vera is rich in potassium, a mineral that helps the kidneys to remove excess salt and water, avoiding the increased pressure within the arteries .
Furthermore, orange has antioxidant properties that reduces lesions in arteries, preventing the onset of stroke or heart attack.
  • 3 oranges
  • 50 mg of aloe vera gel
Squeeze the juice from the oranges and hit the blender with aloe vera gel, until a homogeneous mixture. Then sweeten with honey or stevia and drink up to 3 cups of juice per day.

Home Remedy for hypertension with Siberian Motherwort

The home remedy for hypertension with Siberian Motherwort has relaxed property that dilates the arteries, promoting a decrease in blood pressure.
  • 20 g of dry Siberian Motherwort
  • 500 ml of boiling water
Add ingredients in a pan and let stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 1 cup in the morning and once at night.

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