
What to do to stomach pain

What to do to stomach pain

To end stomach pain, it is recommended at first to take an antacid and avoiding fatty foods.
Drugs to reduce the symptoms must not be used for more than 2 days because they can mask the symptoms of a more serious disease such as ulcer or gastritis, for example.
If stomach pain persists is advised a consultation with a gastroenterologist doctor because you may need to perform an endoscopy to check for complications or not.

Cabbage juice fasting

Home remedies for stomach pain

Some examples of home remedies for stomach pain are:
  • Lettuce Tea
  • Take the pure juice of raw potato
  • Cabbage juice fasting
  • Tea espinheira-santa
  • Mastic tea

How to cure stomach pain

To cure stomach pain, it is recommended:
  • Do not eat fried foods or fatty foods
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages
  • Do not take soft drinks
  • Do not eat sweets
  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid stress
  • Doing regular physical activity
  • Give preference to the use of soft foods such as salads and raw or cooked vegetables, lean meats, and drink plenty of water.
This new lifestyle is healthier and reduces stomach acid, which is one of the most responsible for gastric ulcers, since when it is not properly treated, it favors the growth of stomach cancer.
While the individual is a stomach ache, it is recommended to rest, drink water at room temperature gradually and take almost cold teas to avoid worsening the inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In addition, one can take some antacid. If there is no improvement of symptoms, you should seek medical attention.

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